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4 Ways to Make Parking Fun & Easy On Your Wedding Day

When attending a wedding or any event, one of the more frustrating aspects is finding a parking spot. The last thing you want to worry about on your wedding day is guests who show up frustrated and upset due to a parking situation. With a little extra focus, you can make parking easy and even sprinkle in a little extra fun for your guests.

Learn about four ways to enhance parking and use some of the ideas for your own wedding day. You could use all of the ideas or branch off a single idea to fit within your own wedding plans.

1. Free Parking Venues

When you choose a venue for your ceremony, parking is a big consideration. A venue with free parking will offer plenty of spots and space. Guests will not need to park on city streets, in parking garages, or other public parking areas. With a private venue, guests do not need to need to worry about paying a meter or paying extra for a spot.

Consider the size of your guest list and the number of parking spots available. A lot of guests will likely travel together, so venues will often account for the different numbers and have a lot of parking options available.

2. Parking Lot Greeters

When guests arrive for your wedding, you assign venue employees or wedding party members as parking lot greeters. A greeter is simply there to make guests feel welcome and guide them in the right direction. In many cases, the guest will be at the venue for the first time, so a little guidance will help people find the right places to go.

A greeter can give a quick run-down of the venue, including where the ceremony is being held and the best way to reach certain parts of the venue. A greeter can also showcase where the nearest bathroom is and other areas like coat racks or present tables.

The simple gesture will help guests feel comfortable and create an organized start to the wedding day.

3. Custom Parking Lot Reminder Signs

After a wedding, guests need to find their car again and could easily get lost as they navigate through a parking lot. One way to create lot reminders is with custom printed signs. The signs can showcase images or symbols representing you and your future spouse. Each sign could feature a number to showcase a designated lot area.

Once you have custom signs printed, place them on a pole that can stick into grassy areas around the lot. When a guest parks, they can take a picture of the sign to remember the area where they parked at. For example, you could have a sign with the number 3 on it and a picture of the happy couple on a nature walk together.

When selecting photos for the signs, make sure each one stands out and is different enough for people to easily recognize and remember.

4. Drop-Off Areas

Poor weather or mobility issues could create a lot of situations where wedding guests are dropped off at the front of a venue while someone else parks the car. As people wait for others, you can create a drop-off area. A covered tent will provide shade from the sun or protection from poor weather.

Set up a table under the tent to offer quick drink and snack options. You may also use the area to hand out small wedding favors to your guests. The drop-off area is an ideal way to kick off your wedding theme and showcase some floral decor as well.

Check out our free parking options and other venue features at Pristine Chapel Lakeside. Parking is just the first step in creating a perfect wedding day for you and your loved ones. We also offer full wedding venue services and will cater to your needs to create a memorable ceremony.